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Congratulations to Professor Philip Davies in his new EDS Directorship Role

India H2O wish our huge congratulations to our EU Co-Ordinator and esteemed colleague , Professor Philip Davies of the University of Birmingham, for being elected to the Board of Directors of the European Desalination Society (EDS).

“I am delighted and honoured to be joining the Board and look forward to promoting EDS’ objectives through my participation.”


About the EDS

The EDS is a Europe-wide organisation to unite all interested in desalination and membrane technologies for water. Their key objectives are:

  • Promoting awareness of the true value of water and its augmentation by desalination

  • Encouraging research, development, and appropriate use of desalination, desalination technology and water reuse

  • Exchanging, promoting, communicating and disseminating information

  • Encouraging and promoting environmentally responsible and efficient use of the technology

  • Cooperating and communicating with national and international, government and private agencies in the promotion of the technologies and of European interests

  • The promotion of European business development in desalination and related technologies

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